Homburger, the leading Swiss business law firm, has selected IRIS Nederland as their preferred partner for the implementation of iManage Work as their new Dokumentenmanagement system. The main goal of opting for another document management solution was the ability to create a comprehensive file including all relevant case material, namely emails, which Homburger’s previous system couldn’t. Homburger selected IRIS over all other potential implementation partners because of its broad experience in implementing iManage Work at law firms across Europe.

Considering the options

Homburger is a Swiss business law firm providing advice and representation in significant transactions, dispute situations and complex advisory assignments to enterprises and entrepreneurs in a national and international context. A total of 300 employees make use of the document management system on a daily basis.

Flavio Romerio, Partner at Homburger, comments: “The problem we had with our previous document management system was that it did not integrate emails. Nowadays most client communication is done via email. So in order to create a single file containing all the documents relevant to a certain case, we needed a new document management system that would be able to store emails as well.”

Although Homburger maintained a long list of criteria throughout their search for a new solution, two things were of crucial importance to them. Romerio: “Our ideal document management system would suit critical requirements central in a law firm such as security. Moreover we were looking for a solution that could integrate our specific email application Lotus Notes. We narrowed it down to five possible solutions that met all our requirements, but eventually settled for iManage Work because of its overall impression. It seemed the most mature and advanced to us.”

Choosing the right implementation partner for iManage

Besides the comprehensive case file – made possible thanks to the integration of emails – Homburger enjoys another major advantage in selecting iManage Work. Romerio: “At Homburger we are always trying to integrate and use new technical possibilities. iManage Work allows us to connect iPads. As our lawyers are often on the road and work at night or during weekends, we were very interested in that opportunity. This way the lawyers are able to gain mobile access to WorkSite wherever they are and whenever they need to.”

Romerio further comments: “When we contacted them, iManage introduced us to two possible implementation partners. We liked IRIS because of their responsiveness. They are also more experienced with implementing iManage Work at other law firms. Every contact with them has been very pleasant and professional up until now and we are very much looking forward to the implementation process.”


IRIS ist ein führender Anbieter von Informationsmanagementlösungen und seit über 25 Jahren in der EMEA-Region tätig. Wir sind stolz darauf, Teil von Canon Benelux und bieten strategische Beratung, Softwarelösungen, Systemintegrationen und technische Unterstützung für eine Vielzahl von Branchen, darunter Rechtswesen, Buchhaltung, Finanzdienstleistungen und Großunternehmen.

Unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem intelligenten Informationsmanagement, und wir bieten eine umfassende Palette von Lösungen an, die die Digitalisierung von Dokumenten, das Content Management sowie das Wissens- und Geschäftsprozessmanagement umfassen. Wir arbeiten eng mit führenden Technologieanbietern wie iManage, Litera-Microsystems, BRYTER und Co-Flo zusammen, um die modernsten und innovativsten Softwarelösungen auf dem Markt anbieten zu können.

Wir bei IRIS sind stolz darauf, einen persönlichen und maßgeschneiderten Ansatz für die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Herausforderungen jedes einzelnen Kunden zu bieten. Unser Team aus hochqualifizierten Beratern, Entwicklern und Support-Mitarbeitern unterstützt Unternehmen mit Leidenschaft bei der Optimierung ihrer Informationsmanagementprozesse. Unser Engagement für hervorragende Leistungen hat zu zahlreichen erfolgreichen Projekten und zufriedenen Kunden geführt.

Über den Autor

Jules Kozak
Jules KozakExekutive Geschäftsentwicklung

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