IRIS Nederland, a specialist in providing solutions for content services and workflow automation for knowledge professionals, selected by Norwegian law firm Hjort to implement iManage Work, the leading Dokumentenmanagement solution for the legal and professional services markets.

Supporting a wide client approach

The origins of Hjort date back to 1893. Today, Hjort employs approximately 85 staff members, of whom 63 are lawyers and associate lawyers. Hjort is owned by 26 partners, all of whom are active in the firm. Morten Staubo, IT Director at Hjort: “Different from most of the larger law firms in Norway we have a wide customer approach. We don’t just work in business law but also in many other areas like civil procedures and family business. Besides, we employ many high ranked lawyers.”

Accelerating and improving document processes

The implementation of the new iManage Work solution was very important to Hjort to accelerate and improve the many different document and e-mail handling processes. For many years Hjort used a document management system, developed in-house and based on a SharePoint platform. “Unfortunately, this system had become outdated,” says Staubo. “It had too much downtime so the documents were not available and the performances weren’t as good as they should have been. We decided it was time to explore the market and look into different solutions and approaches. The major question for us was whether we wanted to develop the new software ourselves, or start using common market systems for law firms. Data quality will increase by using a sophisticated DMS like iManage Work: we want to centralize all documents and communication on all subjects in iManage Work. This will create an extensive helicopter view.”

Hjort consulted other law firms and did extensive market research: what solutions did other Norwegian firms use en what were the results? “The feedback on IRIS was very positive and rightly so: the cooperation with IRIS is successful and the people are professional. Other important issues in our decision making process were stability and availability,” Staubo adds, “and iManage Work really meets our demands.”

iManage Work offers the most comprehensive suite of information management applications on a single, common platform and is used by more than 1,400 law firms worldwide, including 75 of the top 100 global law firms.


IRIS ist ein führender Anbieter von Informationsmanagementlösungen und seit über 25 Jahren in der EMEA-Region tätig. Wir sind stolz darauf, Teil von Canon Benelux und bieten strategische Beratung, Softwarelösungen, Systemintegrationen und technische Unterstützung für eine Vielzahl von Branchen, darunter Rechtswesen, Buchhaltung, Finanzdienstleistungen und Großunternehmen.

Unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem intelligenten Informationsmanagement, und wir bieten eine umfassende Palette von Lösungen an, die die Digitalisierung von Dokumenten, das Content Management sowie das Wissens- und Geschäftsprozessmanagement umfassen. Wir arbeiten eng mit führenden Technologieanbietern wie iManage, Litera-Microsystems, BRYTER und Co-Flo zusammen, um die modernsten und innovativsten Softwarelösungen auf dem Markt anbieten zu können.

Wir bei IRIS sind stolz darauf, einen persönlichen und maßgeschneiderten Ansatz für die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Herausforderungen jedes einzelnen Kunden zu bieten. Unser Team aus hochqualifizierten Beratern, Entwicklern und Support-Mitarbeitern unterstützt Unternehmen mit Leidenschaft bei der Optimierung ihrer Informationsmanagementprozesse. Unser Engagement für hervorragende Leistungen hat zu zahlreichen erfolgreichen Projekten und zufriedenen Kunden geführt.

Über den Autor

Jules Kozak
Jules KozakExekutive Geschäftsentwicklung

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