Streamline The Way You Run Deals With digital signatures

In a world where paper-based processes are being rapidly replaced by digital alternatives, our technology for digital signatures empowers you to sign documents with confidence and convenience.

With our solutions for digital signing, you can authenticate documents remotely, ensuring their integrity while simplifying your workflows and improve user experience.

Wie wir helfen

We provide comprehensive solutions to adopt digital signing to streamline business transactions. Our IRIS integrations ensure that all files of a transaction are in sync with your document management system.


What are Digitale Signaturen?

In essence, digital signatures are electronic equivalents of traditional handwritten signatures. They provide a secure and legally binding way to sign digital documents and authenticate their origin and integrity.

Unlike simple electronic signatures, which can be as basic as a scanned image of a handwritten signature, digital signatures utilize cryptographic techniques to ensure the validity and non-repudiation of the signed document.

A digital signature involves using a private key to create a unique code that is attached to the document. This code, known as a digital signature, is virtually impossible to replicate or forge. When someone receives a digitally signed document, they can use the signer’s public key to verify the authenticity of the signature and confirm that the document hasn’t been altered since it was signed.

That’s why digitals signatures are the ideal choice for any transaction where document integrity and authenticity are critical.

Die Vorteile von Digitale Signaturen

Faster transactions

Reduce the time it takes to complete transactions as digital signatures are forms are send and signed electronically.

Improve User Experience

Make business transactions quick and convenient for stakeholders and enhance their experience.

responsive and User Friendly

Provide a straightforward way to sign documents from any device, at any time and from anywhere.

reduce errors and Be in control

Decrease errors by requiring a check at every step of the validation process for increased control and convenience.

Ensure compliance & security

Easily and thoroughly audit every step of a transaction’s formation to ensure integrity.

Built into digital workflows

Incorporate digital signatures in your business processes to facilitate binding end-to-end digital workflows.

Digitale Signaturen can be categorized into three different levels based on their security and authentication measures

01. Basic Electronic Signature (BES)

This is the simplest form of a digital signature. It’s often a scanned image of a handwritten signature or a checkbox clicked to indicate agreement. It’s easy to use but doesn’t provide a high level of security or proof of identity.

02. Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)

AES offers a higher level of security. It uses unique identifiers for signers, such as a password, a fingerprint scan, or a one-time code. AES ensures the signature is linked to the signer and detects if the document has been altered after signing.

03. Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)

QES is the most secure and legally binding form of digital signature. It requires a qualified digital certificate issued by a trusted certification authority (CA). This certificate confirms the identity of the signer and ensures the highest level of document integrity.

Digitale Signaturen: Today's Preferred Choice Of Signing

Seamless and secure transactions matter more than ever, digital signatures have emerged as today’s preferred choice of signing for various uses cases, revolutionizing how deals are run.


Legal teams utilize digital signatures to authenticate contracts and legal documents remotely. This ensures compliance with e-signature regulations and reduces the need for physical presence, speeding up legal processes.

finance and accounting

Finance departments use digital signatures to validate financial documents such as invoices and tax forms. This enhances document security, reduces errors, and expedites financial transactions.


HR teams leverage digital signatures for onboarding and employee agreements. Remote employees can electronically sign employment contracts and other HR documents, saving time and eliminating paperwork.


Our Technology for Digitale Signaturen

Logo iManage

iManage ist eine moderne und Cloud-native Content-Services-Plattform, die speziell für Wissensspezialisten entwickelt wurde.

Technologie-Partner-Logo BRYTER

BRYTER ist eine no-code Entwicklungsplattform, die es Fachexperten ermöglicht, Dienstleistungen digital zu erbringen.

Technologiepartner-Logo Litera

Litera bietet eine breite Palette von Lösungen zur Erstellung perfekter Dokumente, zur Abwicklung von Geschäften und zur Verwaltung von Fällen.


How Does Digitale Signaturen Work With IRIS?

Our experienced consultants work closely with your teams to analyze existing workflows, identify pain points, and customize solutions for digital signature that align perfectly with your unique requirements.

From seamless integration into your existing systems to comprehensive training for your teams, we ensure a smooth transition that enhances efficiency, accelerates business processes, and bolsters document and data security.

Our end-to-end support empowers your business to harness the full potential of digital signatures, improving customer experiences, reducing costs, and contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

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