Knowledge Base

Explore our extensive information management knowledge base to find answers to the most asked questions and other relevant topics

Knowledge Base2024-07-11T09:23:34+02:00

Welcome to our knowledge base, where you can find information about a wide range of topics within the information management field. If you are looking for something specific, but you can’t find it here? Feel free to contact met ons opnemen!

Inhoud diensten

In this section, you will find the most encountered questions regarding content services.

What is contract data management?2023-05-03T10:37:31+02:00

Contract data management is the digital management of contracts across all functions, organizations, and systems. It effectively empowers in-house legal teams to automate their contract management processes and continually extract business intelligence from their contracts, even when they are archived. Ultimately, it supports an organization with clear, actionable insights that generally lead to better decision-making.

What does a contract intelligence platform do?2023-05-03T10:35:05+02:00

A contract intelligence platform is a new approach to Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) that provides organizations with the ability to dynamically analyze contracts in the context of the systems and processes that drive the business forward.

What is contract intelligence?2023-05-03T10:30:07+02:00

Contract Intelligence is the use of Artifical Intelligence (AI) tools in contract analysis. The power of AI tools is used to extract valuable business assets from static contracts and can protect all stakeholders from legal issues and contract breach risks, and enhance productivity.

Who should use digital signatures?2023-05-03T10:30:52+02:00

First of all, there is no definitive answer to this question — as this largely depends on your specific situation and needs. Digital signatures are typically used when you want to guarantee a level of security and ease of use for your transactions — for example, for legal, healthcare, or HR documents.

What are three uses for digital signatures?2023-05-03T10:28:08+02:00

Digital signatures are used to meet three important goals of information security: integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. As such, digital signatures help enforce security during data transfers.

Is there a difference between electronic and digital signatures?2023-05-03T10:28:32+02:00

Yes, there is. A digital signature is a more secure electronic signature that is generated using a digital certificate and cryptographically bound to the document using public key infrastructure (PKI). The digital certificate is unique to the signer and obtained from a trusted 3rd party such as a trust service provider (TSP) or certificate authority (CA) after verification of the signer’s identity.

What are the core features of a document management system?2023-05-03T10:26:57+02:00
  • Availability: modern document management systems ensure that users have access to business content from anywhere, from any device, and at any time.
  • Search: a DMS helps in storing documents and emails in an organized way so that they can be easily retrieved by a user when needed.
  • Single source of truth: no more duplicates of documents that roam in various systems, as a DMS provides a central repository to store all business content in.
  • Workflow automation: automate document-related processes to eliminate repetitive, manual actions to save resources and increase employee satisfaction.
  • Security: ensure that only persons who should have access to certain content, actually have access to minimize the risk of a data breach. Typically, all actions of users are logged to provide a full audit trail at any time. Furthermore, share content with external parties as clients or partners easily and securely.
  • Knowledge management: unlock the value that resides in business content to extract, preserve and repurpose knowledge. This particular development has been gaining a lot of ground lately, as knowledge management can be seen as a critical tool for any organization that wants to increase its bottom line and market share.
What is the purpose of a document management system (DMS)?2023-05-10T12:00:40+02:00

A document management system is used to automatically organize, secure, digitize and classify business content as documents and emails, making them easy to access, edit and share. Therefore, a DMS supports an organization and its teams to not only streamline document-related processes – but also provide information governance to comply with data privacy and security laws and legislations.

What is document management?2023-05-03T10:20:51+02:00

Document management is the use of a computer system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based information captured through the use of a document scanner. The system and software to do so are often referred to as Document Management Systems (DMS).

Why implement a Knowledge Management System?2023-05-03T10:17:51+02:00

There are many reasons to implement a Knowledge Management System in an organization, but the main goal is usually to help people access knowledge and use it to perform tasks better.

To gain a deeper understanding of knowledge work in law firms, iManage recently commissioned Metia Group to conduct in-depth research, with close to 1100 global respondents from across the legal industry to gain a deeper understanding of knowledge work and discovered that:

  • 68% of survey respondents said the information in digital documents and files is the most important thing to their business.
  • 28% of survey respondents said that most or all of their documents are scattered and siloed across multiple systems.
  • 30% of respondents said that documents reach their organisation via five or more channels.

The above mentioned statistics show that knowledge is one of the most important assets of an organization. Yet knowledge is too often undocumented, difficult to access and has the risk of disappearing:

  • Because teams use different apps within the same company, this results in isolated and fragmented information that is difficult to find when customers or agents need it most. That’s why knowledge workers spend 30% of their time looking for or recreating information that already exists. When knowledge isn’t shared and accessible, employees waste time reimagining solutions, make mistakes people have made before, don’t gain the insights they need to be productive, and answer the same questions over and over.
  • Employees retire or quit a company, taking decades of company knowledge with them. And even if they train their replacement before leaving, departing employees can never pass on everything they know because some knowledge is tacit. Having a process helps capture that tacit knowledge that might otherwise disappear.
  • Knowledge stored in emails or local drives can disappear due to system failures or due to loss or theft of devices.

All of these situations are unavoidable which highlights the need for a good knowledge management system even more.

How to improve Knowledge Management?2023-05-03T10:17:39+02:00

Increasing digitization makes it possible to store and share knowledge easily and inexpensively. In other words, employees can access information at any time and from anywhere and also develop it further and integrate it into their everyday work. Rather, employees no longer have to ask their colleagues for this knowledge.

However, employees have to clearly categorize their information and tag them with keywords to enable other colleagues to quickly find answers using a keyword search on selected topics. As soon as a piece of knowledge – for example, software code or a manual – has been developed, it can be used (or improved) again and again, which saves work and thus costs. There is less (unnecessary) communication. You can learn from mistakes or hurdles that have already occurred and nobody misses a development because it is “lying around” somewhere.

In the best case, professional knowledge management creates the breeding ground for innovations or deeper knowledge with which tangible company-related problems can be solved. Employees can make better, faster and more data-based decisions.

In short, organizations can improve their operating results if they manage their knowledge intelligently They succeed in increasing the productivity and competences of employees. Last but not least: your customers are happier!

How to implement a Knowledge Management system?2024-08-02T11:59:06+02:00

Every organization has its own structure and knowledge. Therefore every implementation is different. Our Knowledge Management experts are more than happy to discuss what works best for your organization, without obligation. Talk to an expert!

What is Knowledge Management?2023-05-03T10:13:07+02:00

Knowledge management is all about capturing, sharing, using and managing tangible and intangible knowledge in an organization. The purpose of managing knowledge is to facilitate so organizations can work as efficiently as possible towards their goals.

It is a way to perform the tasks as good and efficiently as possible. If you are considering introducing knowledge management into your organization, keep in mind that this is not a responsibility of one department, for example, HR or IT. In fact, it should be widely supported throughout the organization. Managing knowledge is a journey, not a destiny.

Privacy en gegevensbescherming

In this section, you will find the most encountered questions regarding privacy & data protection.

Wat zijn de basisprincipes van records management?2023-05-10T12:04:34+02:00

The basic principles of records management are:

  • Doel
  • Verificatie
  • Classificatie
  • Redelijke kosten
  • Elasticiteit
  • Behoud
  • Beschikbaarheid

In essence, these principles dictate what a ‘good’ records management system is, and represent a structure to be sought after.

Wat zijn de functies en gebruiken van archiefdocumenten?2023-05-10T12:03:27+02:00

A record contains information that is made, produced, executed, or received in connection with transactional business activities, and supports an organization in conducting its business overall. Records are hard evidence of an organization’s unique policies, procedures, and decisions, and often hold significant administrative, historical, and legal value.

What are the main types of records management?2023-05-10T12:03:00+02:00

Generally speaking, there are two types of records management systems: traditional paper-based record management systems, and electronic record management systems. As the name might imply, traditional paper record management systems involve the management and storage of hard-copy documents.

Due to the clear benefits of electronic records management, a growing amount of organizations are adopting this method to manage the lifecycle of their records. In most cases, this is caused by the desire to reduce or even eliminate paper-based processes.

What is meant with records management?2023-05-03T10:44:28+02:00

Records Management ensures that institutional records of vital historical, fiscal, and legal value are identified and preserved, and that non-essential records are discarded in a timely manner according to established guidelines and identified legislation, for instance, the GDPR.

Wat zijn 3 belangrijke strategieën voor bedreigingsdetectie?2023-05-03T10:44:04+02:00
  • Penetratietesten: Door te denken zoals een cybercrimineel zou doen, moeten organisaties hun IT-omgevingen regelmatig scannen op kwetsbaarheden, zoals ongepatchte software, authenticatiefouten en meer. 
  • Geautomatiseerde bewakingssystemen: Naast handmatige processen moeten organisaties hun cyberbeveiliging verbeteren door geautomatiseerde detectiesystemen voor bedreigingen te integreren. Deze platforms kunnen organisaties helpen door de prestaties en activiteiten van apparaten te volgen, webverkeer te monitoren en het cyberbeveiligingsteam op de hoogte te stellen als er onregelmatigheden worden gedetecteerd. 
  • Analyse van gebruikersgedrag: Door het gedrag van gebruikers te analyseren, kan een organisatie beter begrijpen hoe het normale gedrag van een werknemer eruit ziet. Dit omvat het soort gegevens waartoe ze toegang hebben, het tijdstip van de dag waarop ze inloggen en hun fysieke locatie. Op die manier valt afwijkend gedrag op als ongewoon en is het voor een beveiligingsanalist makkelijker om te weten welk gedrag hij moet onderzoeken.
Wat is het doel van dreigingsdetectie en -bewaking?2023-05-03T10:43:40+02:00

Threat intelligence benefits organizations of all shapes and sizes by helping process threat data to understand their attackers better, respond faster to incidents, and proactively get ahead of a threat actor’s next move. For almost every organization, this data is crucial to achieve a level of protection that would otherwise be out of reach.

Wat betekent bedreigingsdetectie?2023-05-03T10:42:01+02:00

Bedreigingsdetectie beschrijft het vermogen van organisaties om snel en nauwkeurig bedreigingen voor het netwerk, applicaties of andere bedrijfsmiddelen binnen het netwerk te identificeren. De eerste stap in een effectief detectie- en reactieproces voor bedreigingen is begrijpen welke bedreigingen er aanwezig zijn in de huidige omgeving.

Wat zijn de 3 verschillende manieren om gegevenstoegang te bieden?2023-05-10T12:02:32+02:00
  • Open: This principle states that a user shall have access to all the information in a system if the user has access to the system or repository in which the information is being held. This type of data access is by far the least safe, as (in most cases) it’s not relevant for the user to have access to all the data.
  • Open, tenzij: This principle states that a user shall have access to all the information in a system unless there are certain settings to shield specific data. As an example, it could be that HR or finance-related data only can be accessed by the HR or finance teams. This type of data access is safer than the previous, however, users could still have access to data that they don’t specifically need to do their day-to-day activities.
  • Wat je moet weten: Dit principe stelt dat een gebruiker alleen toegang mag hebben tot de informatie die zijn functie vereist, ongeacht het niveau van zijn veiligheidsmachtiging of andere goedkeuringen. Met andere woorden: een gebruiker heeft machtigingen EN een need-to-know nodig om toegang te krijgen tot specifieke gegevens, waardoor dit type gegevenstoegang het veiligst is - omdat het de potentiële impact van een eventuele datalek beperkt.
Waarom zou een organisatie datatoegangsbeheer implementeren?2023-05-03T10:42:27+02:00

Access control protects data by ensuring that only authorized entities can retrieve data from an organization’s data repositories. When effectively implemented, access controls prevent unauthorized and compromised users from accessing sensitive data. Nowadays, proper data access management is typically expected from organizations by either clients or partners, but also due to a growing number of laws and regulations in this area.

What is data access management?2023-05-03T10:41:40+02:00

Data Access Management is a set of processes and technologies used to control access to applications or data. It involves the creation of groups or roles with defined access privileges and then controlling access by defining group memberships.

What are the different types of data classification?2023-05-03T10:41:16+02:00

Standard data classification include the following categories:

  • Public information. Data in this category is typically maintained by state institutions and subject to disclosure of public data as part of certain laws.
  • Confidential information. This data may have legal restrictions about the way it is handled, or there may be other consequences around the way confidential data is handled.
  • Sensitive information. This data is any information stored or handled by state or other institutions that have authorization requirements and other rules around its use.
  • Personal information. Generally, personal information or PII is protected by law and must be handled following certain protocols. Sometimes there are gaps between the moral requirements and contemporary legislative protections for their use.
Wat is het doel van gegevensclassificatie?2023-05-03T10:40:46+02:00

Het systematisch classificeren van gegevens helpt organisaties bij het manipuleren, volgen en analyseren van individuele gegevens. Dataprofessionals hebben meestal een specifiek doel bij het categoriseren van gegevens. Het doel beïnvloedt de aanpak en de classificatieniveaus die ze gebruiken.

Enkele veelvoorkomende zakelijke doelstellingen voor deze projecten zijn de volgende:

  • Vertrouwelijkheid. Een classificatiesysteem beschermt zeer gevoelige gegevens, zoals persoonlijk identificeerbare informatie (PII) van klanten, waaronder creditcardnummers, sofinummers en andere kwetsbare gegevenstypen. Het opzetten van een classificatiesysteem helpt een organisatie zich te richten op vertrouwelijkheid en beleidsvereisten voor beveiliging, zoals gebruikersmachtigingen en versleuteling.
  • Integriteit van gegevens. Een systeem dat zich richt op gegevensintegriteit heeft meer opslag, gebruikersrechten en goede toegangskanalen nodig.
  • Beschikbaarheid van gegevens. Door informatiebeveiliging en -integriteit aan te pakken en te waarborgen, wordt het eenvoudiger om te weten welke gegevens met specifieke gebruikers kunnen worden gedeeld.
What is data classification?2023-05-03T10:40:15+02:00

Data classification is the process of organizing data into categories that make it easy to retrieve, sort, and store for future use. A well-planned data classification system makes essential data easy to find and retrieve. Generally, this is of particular importance for risk management, legal discovery, and regulatory compliance.

Intelligente procesautomatisering

In this section, you will find the most encountered questions regarding intelligent process automation.

How to choose an automated data extraction solution that syncs with your company’s needs?2024-08-08T12:08:43+02:00

When picking a data extraction solution for your business, you should take into account that there are a lot of solutions available – each with their own set of features and capabilities. Therefore, it’s smart to have a good overview of the needs and requirements for your specific situation so you are confident that data extraction solution you choose, delivers in regard to what your business needs. We recommended to have the following parameters in mind when making a purchasing decision:

1. Intelligent data capturing

The data extraction tool must be able to extract data without losing information from different document types such as contracts, delivery notes, accounts payable, and more, and be able to categorize them in their respective blueprints.

2. Accuracy in results

Companies prefer a data extraction tool that delivers swift results; however, it must also be high in terms of accuracy. The extracted output must retain information, and the tool must be able to extract tables, fonts, and crucial parameters without compromising the layout.

3. Storage options

Pick a data extraction platform that offers secure storage along with seamless backup options. Cloud-based extraction enables you to extract data from websites seamlessly at any time.

Cloud servers can swiftly extract data relative to a single computer. The quickness of automated web data extraction affects the speed of your reaction to any rapid events that impact your enterprise.

4. Simplistic UI and robust features

Advanced automated data extraction software must operate on a simplistic UI. The layout of the software interface at launch must be simple enough to navigate you through executing a grinding task. Besides providing an easy-to-use UI experience, the platform must also not compromise on the essential features.

5. Price

Pricing might not be the most crucial factor, but it is a thoughtful consideration. It might not be a wise decision to invest in exorbitantly expensive software with extravagant features that do not apply to your company or choose the wrong pricing plan. Consider evaluating the features of the software while ensuring that the cost stays within your budget.

What are use cases for automated data extraction?2022-11-24T10:22:28+01:00

As you can imagine, there are a lot of use cases in which automated data extraction can be beneficial. The word automated is key here, as already is proven that software can extract data in a better way than humans possibly ever can. Faster, more accurate and capable of providing the data immediately to one or more systems.

Back to the use cases, here are some examples of how automated data extraction is being used already;

  • Legal professionals extract clauses from contracts for review and or knowledge management purposes.
  • Accounts payable extract data from invoices, to subsequently check and approve invoices.
  • Logistics service providers extract and analyze heaps of data from invoices, bills of ladings, as well as other documents, and manually feed in updates to the TMS or ERP.
What is automated data extraction?2022-11-24T10:05:06+01:00

Automated data extraction is the process of transforming unstructured or semi-structured data into structured information, in an automated way. Structured data provides organizations and their teams with meaningful insights to be available for reporting, analytics, and other business activities.

What are the benefits of service automation?2022-10-27T15:45:15+02:00

As with any automation, the main benefits of service automation are convenience, time savings, predictability, and expedience — which results in cost savings. Service automation is also important for facilitation as workplaces become more complex and dynamic.

It’s impossible for humans to track every agile variable in real-time. Automating the ways employees interact with their workplace and how the workplace responds buffers potential friction. While task automation is always useful, even more useful is the ability to automate a service in a similar way.

Wat is serviceautomatisering?2022-10-27T14:34:18+02:00

In essentie is serviceautomatisering het leveren van een dienst, maar dan op een volledig geautomatiseerde manier. Dat betekent dat jij, als gebruiker van die dienst, kunt beslissen wanneer je een bepaalde dienst wilt gebruiken. Het betekent ook dat je alles regelt om die dienst te gebruiken via een soort app of portal (dus een self-service oplossing). Als de dienst adequaat is ontworpen, betekent dit dat je met niemand van de dienstverlener hoeft te spreken.

Welke tools voor het automatiseren van bedrijfsprocessen moet je gebruiken?2022-10-27T09:24:15+02:00

Welke tools je moet gebruiken om je bedrijf te automatiseren, hangt af van de specifieke processen die dit het hardst nodig hebben. Door je behoeften vooraf in kaart te brengen en de belangrijkste gebieden van je bedrijf te identificeren die rijp zijn voor automatisering, kun je de beste oplossing voor het specifieke probleem kiezen.

Als je op zoek gaat naar gebieden om te automatiseren, probeer dan vast te stellen op welke gebieden werknemers actief zijn:

  • Beheren van een grote hoeveelheid repetitieve taken op regelmatige basis.
  • In grote groepen werken om kleine taken af te krijgen.
  • Deadlines missen door langdurige, handmatige processen.
  • Ze doen hun best, maar hebben nog steeds een negatieve invloed op andere bedrijfsprocessen.
  • Behoefte aan betere compliance, audit en andere papieren paden.

Zoek bij het verkennen van de verschillende automatiseringstools op de markt naar oplossingen die helpen kosten te besparen en efficiëntie te verhogen - de twee belangrijkste doelen van elke geautomatiseerde oplossing. Of je nu een verkoop- en marketingtool, een geautomatiseerd boekhoudplatform of een HR-managementoplossing wilt implementeren, zoek er een die nauw geïntegreerd is met je Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-systeem of zoek een ERP-systeem met een uitgebreid platform dat meerdere automatiseringstools bevat.

Wanneer geautomatiseerde software en ERP worden geïntegreerd, kunnen bedrijven onregelmatigheden in gegevens elimineren, de tijd die nodig is om informatie tussen deze systemen te verplaatsen minimaliseren en toegang krijgen tot nauwkeurigere, real-time informatie. Hierdoor krijgen ze een holistisch beeld van hun activiteiten en kunnen ze de mogelijkheden van hun geautomatiseerde systemen ten volle benutten.

What are examples of business process automation?2022-10-26T16:36:40+02:00

Business process automation is the use of technology to automate processes throughout an organization. Processes are defined as activities that are designed to accomplish specific goals. Some examples of business process automation are procuring goods, approving contracts, and onboarding new hires.

Wat is automatisering van bedrijfsprocessen?2023-05-10T12:39:04+02:00

Automatisering van bedrijfsprocessen (BPA) is het gebruik van software om herhaalbare bedrijfstransacties in meerdere stappen te automatiseren. In tegenstelling tot andere vormen van automatisering zijn oplossingen voor bedrijfsprocessen vaak complex, gekoppeld aan meerdere informatietechnologiesystemen (IT-systemen) en specifiek afgestemd op de behoeften van een organisatie.

Which teams typically leverage document automation?2022-10-24T15:05:23+02:00

There are many benefits to automating document generation and it has a wide variety of applications in many teams, including:

  • Legal; legal contracts, …
  • Compliance; NDAs, KYC documents, …
  • HR; employee onboarding, training documentation, …
  • Sales; proposals, terms & agreements, …
  • Backoffice; purchase agreements, invoices, …

In fact, any team that depends on paperwork can implement document generation automation to assist their process and ensure a paperless workflow.

What are the advantages of automating document generation?2023-05-10T12:05:55+02:00
  1. Reduce Errors: One major benefit of adopting document generation is reducing errors. Since there is less manual inputting of information and data, there is less margin for human errors, in both the creation process and overall formatting of the document. Also, with an automated system, there is less need for repetitive cutting, pasting, and double-checking for errors in documents.This process reduces the element of human error and leads to increased accuracy in document generation.
  1. Improve Efficiency and Productivity: Another advantage of document generation is the possibility of creating documents you need in a matter of minutes, which means improved sales efficiency and productivity.Organizations and employees can save time and effort, which allows for concentrating on crucial workflows and more urgent work. Rather than searching manually for documents, with automatically generated documents everything is automatically implemented with a click away.
  1. Ensure Consistency and Compliance: One critical benefit of automated document generation is security. Everything stored and processed on one platform allows for greater security for documentation and data.In addition, with pre-defined and approved templates and coding, it’s simple to create any type of document format, such as Word, PDF, Excel, and more.
Wat is documentautomatisering?2022-10-24T14:04:20+02:00

Documentautomatisering is een software oplossing die zorgt voor bedrijf documenten, zoals facturen, contracts, mededelingen en meer - gebaseerd op functies die beschikbaar zijn via sjablonen of codering. Deze documenten zijn volledig geautomatiseerd en de sjablonen kunnen worden aangepast aan het gebruik en doel van een bedrijf.

Documentautomatisering kan voor een groot aantal zaken worden gebruikt. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld een offerte maken van Salesforce. Or, allow internal and external clients to create legal documents as-a-service. Ultimately, a document automation solution can support almost any document generation process as it typically integrates with existing systems and enables you to easily create customized branded documents in just a few clicks.